NER Meetings
The NER organizes its members' meetings based on the requests and comments of the members, i.e. Panels and keynote speakers are arranged based on hot topics that members request.
Past Meetings
Canada’s Energy Transition: Politics as partner or spoiler?
November 2024
The meeting brought together political and energy leaders across the country to discuss Canada’s ambitious energy plan regarding economic security, environmental responsibility, and citizens' needs.
Getting to 2050: AI, enabler or detractor
June 2024
The meeting explored the potential implications of AI on utility operations and maintenance, supply chain dynamics, and the workforce.

Getting to 2050: A call for regulatory modernization
November 13-14th, 2023
NER members headed to Ottawa for their semi-annual meeting
“Funding Required for the Transition within the Electric Power Industry” – June 7, 2023
“Supply side of electricity to achieve Net Zero” - Panel held October 26, 2022
“Demand side of electricity to achieve Net Zero” - Panel held May 11, 2022
“Hydrogen as a clean fuel” - Panel held October 20, 2021
“Electrification of Transportation” - Panel held May 13, 2021, which as requested, was a follow-up to meeting held October 28, 2020
“Navigating the new normal, COVID-19's impact on the Electricity Sector” virtual session held July 9, 2020.
“Electrification” - Panel held October 2019
“Smart Cities” Panel and “Regulatory Decisions” Roundtable discussion held April 2019
“Distributed Energy Resources” - Panel held October 2018
“Economics of the changing electric power industry” - Presentation and discussion held May 2018
“Electric Power Planning, Technical vs Political” - Panel held November 2017
“Artificial Intelligence - How data is analyzed and used to create benefits to customers and the electric power industry?” - Roundtable discussion held November 2017
“Canada’s Leadership in World Trade in view of Energy Market Developments” - Panel held May 2017
“Electrification of vehicles/transportation? What are utilities doing? What is industry doing? - Panel held October 2016
“How Cap & Trade and Carbon Tax are being handled in various jurisdictions within Canada” - Panel held May 2016
“Energy Transition from Fossil Fuel” - Roundtable discussion May 2016
“Energy Storage” - Panel held November 2015
“Price of Oil and the Economy” - Roundtable discussion held November 2015
“Distributed Generation and Demand Response” - Panel held May 2015
“USA Environmental Policies & Impact to Canada” - Panel held November 2014
Past Keynote Speakers
Julie Dabrusin, Parliamentary Secretary, to the Minister of Natural Resources and to the Minister of Environment and Climate Change
Adrian Thomas, Country President, Schneider Electric Canada
Terry Duguid, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Environment and Climate Change + Member of Parliament for Winnipeg South
Eric Deschenes, Executive VP of ABB
Paul Lefebvre, Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of NRCan
Brian Bentz, President & CEO Alectra
Lain Stewart, President & CEO National Research Council
Marc Boucher, President Hydro-Quebec Trans-Énergie
Pamela Goldsmith-Jones, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of International Trade
Catherine McKenna, Minister of Environment and Climate Change
Elyse Allan, President and CEO of GE Canada
Chris Huskilson, President & CEO of Emera
Deputy Minister Simon Kennedy, Minister of International Trade, Dept of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development
Gaetan Thomas, President & CEO of NB Power
Peter Kent, Minister of the Environment
Patrick Lamarre, Executive Vice President Power for SNC-Lavalin
Serge Dupont, Deputy Minister of NRCan
Pierre Gauthier, President and CEO Alstom North America
David Angus, Senator and Chair of the Standing Senate Committee on Energy, the Environment and Natural Resources